6th of march was the night of the celebration of my b-day party...
AWESOME night!!!!
11 friends came to visit me in frankfurt am main from Spain, and they just came for the party (most of them were before in the city)
things got pretty crazy on the night, and it ended up with my computer getting drunk of wisky-apple juice... and stopping the music (and my fun too)
later on, i start having fun again (night is long) and was a great party afterall...
the afterparty, one week later, is that I don't have computer in my flat.
no internet,
no movies,
TV flatscreen useless,
no TV antena,
now I hear the radio, and clean... my room was never in so much order like now!!!!!
without computer, I have more social life, I don't get stress bacause I have to watch something, or I would like to do something, because I have no possiblity...
ok, I am disconected of the world (no facebook, no messenger, no skype...) but! I am conected to the outside of the universe, the real life.
at the end, is not so bad to don't have computer...
nevertheless, today I will recibe the news if my computer is alive or not, and if it is not (probably), tomorrow I will call Dell to buy a new one! :)
Preparant el 25N
Hace 12 años
That is SO cool! I wish I could disconnect from "unreal" life and don't get all hysterical because I can't see YET ANOTHER Mad Men episode! aaaaaaaaa!